• Aude sapere - Dare to know
  • Thursday, December 14, 2006

    'Selfish antics of selfishly deluded friends'

    Dedicated to Ling who has awaited this post for months to no avail... sorry for my laziness. So begins the tirade...

    There are quite a lot of people around, friends, foes or loners, who take a deluded selfish attitude towards the VCE. To them, doing well in the VCE is about undermining their peers, including their close friends, you and me. Their VCE vision is a high score achieved through the sabotage of others. This deplorable mindset about the VCE is completely wrong and vehemently hated by me. And I'll tell you why.

    While the VCE does involve a ranking systems that gives you a score according to the results of the entire graduate cohort, success CANNOT be achieved by making sure your best friend gets the shittest score possible. Success in the VCE is built on mutual help. If everyone gets high, then your internal marks will be boosted. Even if there wasn't such a mechanism and there was no benefit in helping your friends at all, people should still help their mates, let alone undermine them. Why? Because they are your friends. I would willingly give up some of my time and effort with no benefit to myself to help a friend who is struggling.

    People who try and undermine others to boost their success are cowardly, foolish, moronic, snivelling grubs. All the words containable in a library of books cannot express my contempt towards their actions. Their actions include hiding VCE resources to needy friends, hiding tuition because they don't want others to get tutored, or refusing to help friends in the area of study when they would willingly help in any other area.

    And you know the bad thing? People with varying degrees of the abovementioned attitudes are everywhere around us. Some of my closest friends show such symptomes, which is what triggered me to compose this Philippic. In year 10, I asked a friend for a phone number for a English tutor and I was refused. And that was only year 10... And of course, there are the people who asks others for their scores and refuses to reveal their own, especially when it's really good. *cough cough Marco* And people who leeches resouces and information off others and hides everything.

    Success in VCE cannot be achieved through mutual sabotage. Let us defenestrate (to throw out a window...first time I used that word lol) our selfish tendencies and remember that the next to zero probabily of gaining measly marks by undermining friends is not worth our moral integrity.

    So stop trying to fuck everyone else up!! Hem....yea lol.. ok looks like this is done.


    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    ahahahahaha....... at last theres something to read. haha next time write about something interestingg.. like hmmmm i dunno. thingsss that are interesting.

    ohhhhhhh and use simpler words next time =]

    haha and i agree to some of the pointss u made.. i know people who are like that.. mm i think this commennt is good enough =]

    1:16 am  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    hahaha... li finally blogged...
    coz i actually stopped visiting ur page after a while.. =P
    nice entry btw. =)

    1:19 am  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    lol, i'm with Ling. those words are big. And yeah, i fall under these catagories.

    Eg. not telling friends about tutors, because it normally doesnt work out (with my friends anyways). We just end up talking and the tutor gets pissed off.

    But generally, i dont think it matters if friends are a little secretive with their studying as long as they are not rude about it

    -Andrew Pan

    1:32 am  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    lets defenestrate the selfish people >=(

    1:56 am  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    ey but don't you think its good to have those long words there, i mean its getting us to recognize them and all, it can only benefit us

    its all so true..but i just wanna say it feels good when i beat my friends and i love being rude about it

    but then up to this stage where we're in vce its only right we help each other out so lets all exchange tuition phone no.s

    oh and li you have to help me with methods!

    2:01 am  
    Blogger fmatt said...

    true, but you're missing a point.

    say, if you help your friends out, and you all end up getting 95+/100. then we do our vce exam, and we end up with this terrible spread of marks. the kid that got 99/100 gets shit on their exam and brings down the whole year level. then the kid that got 85 internally but aced their exam may only get a slightly higher study score than the kid that got 99/100.

    that's quite an extreme case, but you get the idea, right? it's like when your english teacher gives their class no less than a b+. It's okay in maths and science because .. your mark is fixed; not dependent really on the teacher.

    you can help your friends and all .... but at the end of the day you still want to beat them.

    11:26 am  
    Blogger [sui generis] li mei said...

    Yes, of course you want to beat them!!! But beating them comes from self improvement, not fucking them up lolz. But yes, just like methods, Marco's internal was higher than me. xD.

    He's BITTER!

    11:28 am  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Humans are indeed selfish beings and, indeed, "people with varying degrees of the abovementioned attitudes [selfish tendencies] are everywhere around us". However, do these people (including you and me) deserve to be branded with such contemptuous words as "cowardly, foolish, moronic"?
    This post is not only biased, but narrow and myopic. You need to consider the other side: the notion that this so-called "selfishness" is engendered by the Darwinist world we live in, and consequently those so-called "snivelling grubs" are victims of a hatred-mongering system such as the VCE.
    You may say that we should all provide mutual assistance so that we can enjoy our VCE. By all means promote it, we all to some extent do or try to. But in reality, by even taking a single glimpse of the recent issues our world faces, we can see that this is naivety to the extreme.

    11:55 am  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    And stop stirring controversy LOL - the Marco mentioned in his blog

    12:00 pm  
    Blogger [sui generis] li mei said...

    I must say Marco that you are much better than Adren at employing sesquipadelians. =P

    However, you are a good Christian who prayed during the methods exam so you shouldn't be ranting on about a Darwinist world. And you can blame the snivelling grub part on Tony Abbot coz he used it first.

    VCE is not a hate mongering system...it is only so to some people..the same people targeted by this wide sighted post. *cough Marco* And the parochial matter of VCE has no iota of relevance to the issues the world faces today. While I would love to argue my support for Hezbollah in English class, the opportunity is just not there.

    And OF COURSE my blog is biased - its all my opinions!

    12:44 am  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    It is the year 2007. The VCE war has broken loose. Each and every one of us has a desire to beat one another. The competition has risen incredibly since 2006. No more answering of the ubiquitous question "what's on the chem SAC??" for those cases where common tests were held on different periods. Each student has created their own bubble in this world; depositing all knowledge and valuable resources within the barriers - out of reach to others. We face our friends with smiles and laughs, but really we are the serpant underneath. Through the course of the school day, we secretly observe each other's study habits. We copy those who have effective methods and leave our mouths shut for those whose standards are below us. As results are distributed, the cohort's lowest mark achievers are regarded as unfortunate but acceptable civilian casualties for the greater good. There are occasional disputes between tuition factions - each arguing that they are superior and hyping up the competition. Unknown to us is that all this out of school tuition to promise us higher marks is just a ploy for them to rise to a higher socio economic status.

    VCAA has the power to enforce peace, but currently no action has been taken to do so.

    2:03 am  
    Blogger fmatt said...

    HAHAHHAHA "anonymous" that is hilarious.

    12:14 pm  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Ok, I can’t be stuffed making this intelligent, so I'll just make this up as I go. I might do another if i can be bothered, so I'll just rant here.
    Of course, VCE should be about helping each other get through one of the hardest obstacles in our schooling life, but remember, it also has the biggest impact in kick-starting our career. The world we see today (at least in Australia) shows that it is hard to get a job without qualifications; even apprenticeships require a completion of Yr 12 now. Based on our own self-interest, you would assume that most people would act selfish in order to benefit themselves in the future.
    Good job = more money
    Money = key to anything these days...

    3:36 pm  
    Blogger [sui generis] li mei said...


    moral integrity > money

    u can get money without turning urself in a poof!

    4:26 pm  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...


    12:07 am  
    Blogger timtamz said...

    hey Li,
    hhaha i love reading your blog, it's funny! haha,

    have a merry christmas man!!

    7:36 pm  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    hello li! long time no blogging...and commenting on my behalf.

    me = try not to be a hate monger in vce...(i think?) but i must admit, after helping someone a lot with their subject (chinese)...when they were worst than i was (truthfully speaking), it makes me kinda want to be selfish when they came out with a whole 9 marks more than me...yes.....

    ps - chinese marks are so fked up this year...

    11:08 pm  
    Blogger Unknown said...

    Finally Li, something I agree with. I agree with all that internal marking stuff, but even if it is a competition people shouldn't undermine each other just to do well themselves. If a person would go to lengths such as betraying their friends to get a better mark... well that person is the epitome of selfishness.

    If your friend does better then you you pat them on the back and go have a drink. You should rest happily knowing that you did your own best rather then having to resort to destroying others to be the best.

    Good work Li, show those hatred mongering students whats what. (Marco is immoral).

    2:02 pm  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I originally had a long post to make, but it looks awful and horrible to read as a comment, so I'll just keep it short(?)

    Competitive atmospheres lead to strong short term competition and may prevent full cooperation in the search to win? General Banter and fear of humiliation doesn't help either.

    Oh, and throwing people out of windows is BAD! No Mr. Anonymous, let's no throw people out of windows :(

    Eh, And maybe not go for the full thrust with angry (>:() words before stepping back a bit more and thinking why you want them to stop their behaviour. It's to benefit you, yah?

    Good Luck for VCE,
    ~Another person happy with anonymity.

    4:53 pm  
    Blogger Bharat said...

    Li, Li, Li. How narrow minded you are. Your blog asks too much of us, mere people. You must realize that it's our primeval instincts that fuels the competition. No amount of reasoning has ever justified competition, or even war! But we will do it. We are but products of our past. Who knows; if only Jesus of Nazareth and Buddha compromised in becoming co-messiahs; if only Abraham and Muhammad were bunk buddies at summer camp - then perhaps the world today would be a radically different place. But our cellular genetic make up defines us to be the blood thirsty war mongers, the saboteurs, covert operatives that the VCE reflects. You can't blame us, or anyone for the way we are, we are all, after all, mere products of our history.

    So don't have contempt for those who are unaware of cooperation, pity and sympathize with them - for they are a victim of something far more ominous and potent: humanity's complacency.

    I think it's time to realize things aren't always about us; that things, are always, invariably, about someone else.

    11:41 pm  

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