• Aude sapere - Dare to know
  • Thursday, December 14, 2006

    'Selfish antics of selfishly deluded friends'

    Dedicated to Ling who has awaited this post for months to no avail... sorry for my laziness. So begins the tirade...

    There are quite a lot of people around, friends, foes or loners, who take a deluded selfish attitude towards the VCE. To them, doing well in the VCE is about undermining their peers, including their close friends, you and me. Their VCE vision is a high score achieved through the sabotage of others. This deplorable mindset about the VCE is completely wrong and vehemently hated by me. And I'll tell you why.

    While the VCE does involve a ranking systems that gives you a score according to the results of the entire graduate cohort, success CANNOT be achieved by making sure your best friend gets the shittest score possible. Success in the VCE is built on mutual help. If everyone gets high, then your internal marks will be boosted. Even if there wasn't such a mechanism and there was no benefit in helping your friends at all, people should still help their mates, let alone undermine them. Why? Because they are your friends. I would willingly give up some of my time and effort with no benefit to myself to help a friend who is struggling.

    People who try and undermine others to boost their success are cowardly, foolish, moronic, snivelling grubs. All the words containable in a library of books cannot express my contempt towards their actions. Their actions include hiding VCE resources to needy friends, hiding tuition because they don't want others to get tutored, or refusing to help friends in the area of study when they would willingly help in any other area.

    And you know the bad thing? People with varying degrees of the abovementioned attitudes are everywhere around us. Some of my closest friends show such symptomes, which is what triggered me to compose this Philippic. In year 10, I asked a friend for a phone number for a English tutor and I was refused. And that was only year 10... And of course, there are the people who asks others for their scores and refuses to reveal their own, especially when it's really good. *cough cough Marco* And people who leeches resouces and information off others and hides everything.

    Success in VCE cannot be achieved through mutual sabotage. Let us defenestrate (to throw out a window...first time I used that word lol) our selfish tendencies and remember that the next to zero probabily of gaining measly marks by undermining friends is not worth our moral integrity.

    So stop trying to fuck everyone else up!! Hem....yea lol.. ok looks like this is done.

    Wednesday, December 13, 2006

    Our Awesome Yr 10 Methods Class

    The excellent academic achievements of our Yr 11 methods bunch...we will continue the legacy of 2006's Yr 12s!!!! Sif we won't out perform them!!! They look like such nerds on the newspaper pic haha.

    Here is a summary of Yr 11 people's scores for methods, (out of a class of 20-something)


    Mei, Li (wheres the Bang?)
    Yap, Grace (Presentation night buddy haha)


    Khav, Nancy (Alumni. Traitor who went to Maccers =P)
    Kwok, Man Ho (I win $100 coz of Marco)


    Cheung, King (ie. Kelvin)


    Du, Qian


    Chia, Elisa (Win $20 coz Elisa din come second ^^)
    Foong, Weng Sum (fmatt)
    Sim, Rachel (daughter of CONSTANCE SIM: Do your wok! =P)


    Hunter, Edmund (peaches and cream =P)
    Pong, Yuk Wa ( no comment @ chinky name LOL)
    Sik, Alyson
    Wong, Charisa


    Quach, Henry