• Aude sapere - Dare to know
  • Friday, September 22, 2006

    The Aboriginal Issue

    The last issue our erudite blogger friends vehemently commented on, the turtle issue, proved to be quite controversial, trivial as it may be. This new issue is most likely a less controversial, but a much more important issue which I feel very strongly about - the Aboriginal issue.

    Many people in society sympathise with the Aboriginals and blame their desparate plight on the white people. Yes, that may seem reasonable After all, the English did colonise Australia and proclaim terra nulius. The whites also continued to take black land and sometimes abuse the local populace.

    HOWEVER, that is NO justification for the current antics of Aboriginal people.

    First, let's have a look at history and see how the Aboriginals weren't as mistreated as they proclaim they were. In the 18th century, the worlded was carved up into empires, for example, the British and French empires. These empires colonised nearly every piece of 'non-civilised' land on Earth, including Africa, the Americas, some parts of Asia and islands in every ocean. So, Australia was colonised like about 100 other nations. Now you don't see the natives in other countries being as well off as our Aboriginals do you? Our Aboriginals have nothing to complain about. English colonials and the early Australian government treated Aboriginals relatively well compared to other colonised nations. In South America, the Spanish slaughtered the Aztecs, Mayans and various other civilisations. In Dutch Africa, the black natives were forced to work as slaves. In USA, the Americans killed local Indians in their various wars. Our Aboriginals were quite well off given the status quo of that period of time.

    Of course, the 'stolen generations' has two sides to the story. Most of the children weren't stolen, but given up willingly by their parents who cannot afford to feed them or who wanted them to have an education. The Australia government at that time, deluded as it may have been, acted out of what they considered to be in the Aboriginals' best interests. Yes, in retrospect it was wrong, but it was white mentality at the time that half caste children needed the best that white society could offer them and that they needed to be given a proper education and upbringing.

    What about the myriad benefits the Aboriginals receive today? They get more dole than anyone, they get Abstudy, free vaccinations and heaps of other exclusive subsidies. No other race of indiginous people in the world get so much special treatment. They also get into uni easier. We have to work our asses off to get into law or med. They can get into Melb U med with an enter of like 90. And what do they do with all those benefits, all the billions of tax payers money poured into their petties? They SQUANDER it. Look at the squalid camps in the NT. With better social benefits than everyone else, you'd think they'd work harder and be better off. But no, they buy booze and bongs and do nothing all day but fight amongst themselves, all the while putting the blame ON US for their grievances.

    Everyday, the Aboriginals are whinging about this and whinging about that. We stole their kids, we killed their culture. Yea, as if culture is killable. When the Manchurians invaded the Ming dynasty of China, they couldn't destroy the culture; instead they were ASSIMILATED INTO the Chinese culture. So, whats happening to Aboriginal culture today? You see that news item about the group of teens who gang raped a uncouncious girl, thinking she was dead? Is it their culture to practise gang rape or necrophilia? Either way, it's pretty wrong. And that recent story about the two boys who were gang raped by 4 males, the youngest rapist being 12? Something needs to be done about the immoral manifestations within the Aboriginal communities, and it most certainly isn't our fault.

    The Aboriginals are to blame for their own shameful plight. They need to get off their backsides, clean up their act and become proper, contributive citizens of this great country.

    While we have several outstanding Aboriginals in our community, the abovementioned proportion of them are a disgrace to Australia.

    Sunday, September 10, 2006

    And one argument to bring them into the light and bind them...

    You are all missing the point. First of all Kelvin, I am not using 'big words'. If you think a word I use is big you obviously have a very limited vocabulary. Look at Adren's comment and you'll know what inappropriate use of big words mean. This may sound offensive, Kelvin, but looking at your rude slurs at me in your comment, this is very mild in comparison.

    Secondly, I've said that Steve was a great guy. I respect him as I respect you and everyone else. Actually, I respect you more, Kelvin, because I know you personally. But placing an emoticon is stupid, useless and pointless. If it was a badge with the proceeds going to charity, then that's great. It's achieving something. The turtle does not do anything. And showing respect. Why don't you keep your respects to yourselves and stop flaunting it in everyone's faces? We really want to see how much you think you 'respect' someone rite? If we don't see it, we will all die from a not-seeing-someone-else's-respect syndrome. I respect things like a normal person, I would think that after knowing me for years I don't appear to disrespect anyone (within reasonable limit), and I don't make banners out of my respect and stick it in people's faces, going HEY I RESPECT THIS LOOK AT ME. Who's pretentious now?

    Ok, you may want to 'vent your anguish' when such a thing happens, as you say. Does an emoticon create a cyber-vent that syphons your grief to cyberspace? Surely not.

    And who the hell is harry sanditisisdisdopoulousrekanis? lmaoz

    PS Tim you said I can turn off the anonymous thing?

    Thursday, September 07, 2006

    Thursday not Friday yet

    Today was probably the best day I've had in many weeks, mostly due to the fact I had 3 SACs yesterday and the physics industrial report due tomorrow as postponed to next week. Therefore, I have hardly any work now.. Such freedom! But I should be doing that methods exam pack ><..

    My mp3 headphones screwed up today...gr...

    Something interesting is happening in physics...finally. We have to do this group experiment prac thing on aeronautical engineering (i think) and we get to choose what to do. I was thinking of making a hydrogen/helium 'blimp' with a motor with propellers hanging off the bottom. Helium would be much easier if we could buy it from somewhere, or hopefully we can get the chem teachers to lend us the lab for a while =] . Also, we'll prob need STACKS of balloons to support the motor. The larger the balloons, the less we would need and this would decrease the surface area of balloon/volume of gas ratio, thus increasing the lift of the motor and decreasing the amount of gas needed. However, this project is probably too unrealistic, as the H/He would be very hard to obtain. This will prob end up becoming one of my oneoric daydreams... If the chem teachers let me use their equipment, it'd still probably take ages. If I was to make H in the backyard, I'll need find a better bottle than my plastic 1 which has half melted from my previous experiment. Also, there needs to be an effective way of feeding extra metal into the acid without letting air out. Electrolysis would seem an excellent alternative in comparision but it would be very hard to put the gas into a balloon that way. Plus I'll have to prevent O2 from entering the same balloon. Purchasing He is a good idea, but that involves finding and buying haha... So if anyone has any good suggestion please comment! Otherwise we'll prob end up making a glider =P.

    That bomb guy from my school is so crazy....still making AP and now trying to make gun powder. But I reckon blowing things up is pretty stupid, theres much more thing to do in chem that are both constructive and fun. Oh yes, if anyone happens to have a bunsen burner/iron rust/metal rods can I borrow/have? = ] =] =]

    And I see my previous post was quite controversial...hahaha. I'd like to say that not only is everyone is entitled to their own views, but they are also entitled to free speech, which is essential in every democracy. People can say WHATEVER non-seditious( the non-seditious part thanks to Howards new laws) things they want in Australia, and I think I can write my own opinions, let alone the damn thing is inmy own blog. People are most welcome to comment regardless of their view, but people who are against me posting my views are hypocritic. Why don't they practise what they preach and not put up their views if they don't want others putting up theirs? Also, it would be much better if the people who end up insulting me in their post, eg the 15th comment, put their real names instead of anonymous. You do after all know me, and we most likely get along amiably at school since you are most likely on my MSN, so why don't you stand by your views gallantly and purposefully instead of hurling disparagements at me from behind your facade of anonymity?
    Please, comment with your real names.

    Monday, September 04, 2006

    Turtles in msn names

    The croc hunter's death surprised us all. Of course, everyone is sad about it and would rather wish that he was alive and kicking. However, feeling regretful of Irwin's death does not mean that people should thoughtlessly place turtles, snails, goats and other stupid msn emoticons next to their nicknames to 'show respect'.

    First of all, 'showing respect' is moronic. Respect is something you either have for someone or you don't and you can't conjure it out of thin air by putting a freaking turtle in ur msn nickname. 'Showing respect' through a turtle is an idiosyncratic hyprocrisy concoted by some idiot and followed suit by countless unthinking people believing *omg that guy on tv died i should do something isnt that so sad?*. Why do you respect Irwin so much? He's a great character and everything, but do you know him? Does he know you? There's people dying every second, why don't you put a turtle for everyone of them? Or don't you respect them just coz they're not famous?

    Secondly, apart from telling other people that you are emo/very very very caring/in a state of mourning (wearing black or a turtle badge?)/ blind sheep, what else do you hope to achieve? Would a turtle bring Irwin back? Does a turtle ease the grief of Irwin's family. Do you see Irwin's family going around on the media toting turtle/other animals emblems? No, they are mourning properly and for a proper reason; their family member has died. What are you doing joining something that is not you business, turning mourning for a dead person into a trivial msn game of seeing who is nicest person by seeing their amount of cyber 'respect' shown.

    Thirdly, turtles are ugly. Why not try suns..or other emblems that are remotely related to Irwin's job. I don't think the Croc Hunter became famous from hunting down turtles.

    So please, next time someone you don't know dies, quit the puerile stunts and stop fooling yourself, how much do you really respect them?

    ultra procrastination

    This is my first proper blog entry! and since i cant be bothered using proper cases i wont.

    soo much work! damn VCE. today im gonna relieve all my hw stress on this entry! muhaha

    it is nearly 12am and there is an english SAC on wednesday i havent prepared for, and i have no idea how to write a film review T_T. of course, there is the mgm and physics test on wednesday, and also chinese tuition with lots of hw due

    its one week til the holz but it sure doesnt feel like it. this is the only time in my life that i havent looked forward to the last week of term. stupid probability sac for methods...and chem poster...and physics oral....and another eng sac....ok i better stop

    On a brighter note, Mr Nguyen ( my phyiscs teacher in case u dont go to glennie, hes a short viet guy who is sometimes funny sometimes tightass and every1 makes fun at/with him) said that he'd get me 3 battery holders ( those ones that we used in INT in yr 8 to put batteries in in our lil motor cars). and if i get 95%+ for wednesday's physics test, he'd wire them up for me. ...as if i'd get 95%+ for mechanics test...but i can still wire them up myself if he doesn. =D. Now i can make sum hydrogen and oxygen at home ...muhahah. ok im not a chem nerd. im just into the interesting, practical aspects.xD

    anyway, its too late for me to start the film review now.... ill just procrastinate it til tomorrow.

    New Blog

    Hey guys,

    check out my new blog hahaha. I'm actually gonna post regularly this time ><. Off to edit format, this is only a protoentry.

    I just added this pic so i can link it later. Please ignore.